
App Service: Unable to contact IP driver

I had to debug an Azure App Service and was running a ping command on the Kudu PowerShell Console. When running a ping command, it returns ‘Unable to contact IP driver. General failure.’, which could lead you to believe there is a problem in the app service networking in general. However, this is not the case.

Kudu Remote Execution Console
Type 'exit' then hit 'enter' to get a new powershell process.
Type 'cls' to clear the console

PS C:\home> ping
Unable to contact IP driver. General failure. 

ICMP ping is simply not supported, and TCP ping should be used instead.


AzureDiagnostics have been trimmed

I encountered the following issue with a recently deployed Azure AKS Cluster connected to a Log Analytics Workspace in Azure.

I encountered this error in my Log Analytics Workspace.

The following fields' values log of type AzureDiagnostics have been trimmed to the max allowed size, 32766 bytes. 
Please adjust your input accordingly. (1)

I found that this is a known problem on AKS and has already been added as a bug in the following ticket. Entire CRD in kube-audit-admin logs #3316

Azure News

Azure West Europe Dsv5 Availability

I experienced issues today (2023-12-12) while deploying Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to Azure West Europe. It appears that the CPU type availability is exhausted in West Europe, which is a significant concern if your Azure Governance and related policies dictate that deployment must occur in this region.

{"code":"InvalidTemplateDeployment","message":"The template deployment 'aksCluster-20231212T084250Z' is not valid accord
ing to the validation procedure. The tracking id is '3abc3456-a9cd-789e-12f3-g456hij78901'. See inner errors for details
.","details":[{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Provisioning of resource(s) for container service aks01-euw-dev in resourc
e group rgr-euw-dev failed. Message: The VM size of Standard_D16s_v5 is only allowed  in zones [2] in your subscription 
in location 'westeurope'. . Details: "}]}
Azure Sitecore

Issues with AzureRmWebAppDeploment v230

We deploy from Azure DevOps YAML pipelines to Azure App Services. We use msdeploy packages for this. In calendar week 45 of 2023, we discovered issues in our deployment pipeline. The pipeline started failing unexpectedly in various places.

The error message “ERROR_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_DEPLOYMENTPROVIDER” and details “Could not complete an operation with the specified provider (dbDacFx) when connecting using the Web Management Service.” were not very comprehensive for me, especially because it stopped working suddenly from one day to the next. Additionally, most of the linked help articles mainly relate to IIS.

This is the error we found in our pipelines in full.

More Information: Could not complete an operation with the specified provider ("dbDacFx") when connecting using the Web 
Management Service. This can occur if the server administrator has not authorized the user for this operation. dbDacFx  Learn more at:
Error count: 1.