Today, February 19, 2024, at 07:30 CET, I discovered that my shared dashboards are no longer working on the Microsoft Azure Portal. This issue was observed across multiple tenants and subscriptions. I do not yet know the root cause, but I suspect that it is an incident on Azure’s side.
Dashboard not found
Dashboard ” no longer exists. It was previously published to resource group ‘dashboards’ in subscription ‘00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000’.*** (2024-02-19 11:00 CET)
The error message has slightly changed to the following, which likely means that the support teams for Microsoft Azure are working on it.

Dashboard ‘arm/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/dashboards/providers/microsoft.portal/dashboards/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000’ no longer exists. It was previously published to resource group ‘dashboards’ in subscription ‘00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000’.*** (2024-02-19 13:00 CET)
My dashboards are located in the West Europe and Switzerland North Azure data centers.
07:30 CET on February 19, 2024
It’s the first time I saw this problem in general and also the first day I noticed this problem. I was using dashboards on the Friday before without any issues, and on Monday morning, I noticed the problem. I can’t tell if it started on the weekend or on Monday.
13:25 CET on February 19, 2024
My dashboards are loading again without any issues.
08:00 CET on February 20, 2024
In a strange turn of events, the saga continues. once again, the dashboards are not loading. Even though the issue existed yesterday and was fixed in the afternoon of February 19, 2024, it has resurfaced again.

12:00 CET on February 20, 2024
I filed a support request with Microsoft. I still have not seen any public communication, and my shared dashboards are not working. Private dashboards show no issues in my case.
16:15 CET on February 20, 2024
The situation is now flapping. When I try five times it seems to load at least once.
06:49 CET on February 21, 2024
The situation remains unchanged, and the shared dashboards are still not working as expected. Microsoft has confirmed receiving my case but has not yet provided any feedback.
14:48 CET on February 21, 2024
The situation remains unchanged, and the shared dashboards are still not working as expected. It has been over 24 hours, and my case at Microsoft remains unanswered. I only received a confirmation that the request was received. I did follow up with a question for an update on the case.
07:45 CET on February 22, 2024
I still haven’t received any feedback on my support case that was opened 2 days ago, even though I requested feedback yesterday. The dashboards are loading quite reliably this morning. Let’s see if it continues this way.
08:27 CET on February 23, 2024
I opened a Microsoft support case 3 days ago. I only received a confirmation of receipt, but no follow-up communication. That’s not good. The shared dashboards did not have any issues yesterday and are also loading today.
17:00 CET on February 23, 2024
Shared dashboards are working for me.
No feedback on my support case. 🤷
19:00 CET on February 26, 2024 🆕
Feedback from Microsoft was received indicating that the issue has been fixed, and I was advised to log out, then log in again to check if it works. Since the dashboards were already functional for me the day before, I deemed this step unnecessary. However, Microsoft was not willing to share any details about the incident.
It’s now February 29th, and the issue did not return. So, this incident has ended for now.
4 replies on “Azure shared dashboard not found, February 2024”
You are not alone. I have the same issue since yesterday, February 19, 2024.
Same here!!
I am also experiencing the same issue over the last 2 days. I am able to load the dashboards some of the time, but most of the time they are not found.
I’m getting reports of this as well, and started a few days ago.